A week in.

Let’s start with a little video of Colt and Poppy playing ball.

So far his healing is going pretty well. You can see in the video that there’s still loose bandaid over the middle of his left hand. It’s going more slowly that the right hand. He doesn’t seem to have any pain but there are time when he uses them a little more carefully.

His therapy is already back in full swing. The PT is here right now. She’s making him sit up from laying flat on the floor. He’s doing pretty well but he fusses at her sometimes. It’s all a big game to see how little work he can get away with. We’re being told right now that we’re not supposed to pick him up unless he sits up first.

I asked him today if he wanted to open Christmas present and shook his head quite convincingly YES. He’s started talking so much in the last couple of weeks. He really expresses himself with sounds and pointing. His Speech Therapist is really excited to see what he’s doing these days.

That’s all for now.

Post cast update.

The cast are off!  We got home about 3pm in time for Colt to take a nap. On his left hand he has 4 fingers and his thumb.  On the right, 3 fingers and a his thumb. The banding that was in his right leg is gone.   And there’s a new toe on his left foot. 

All the work looked really good. No redness or oozing, or trouble signs of any kind. He really didn’t seem to be in that much pain either.  They aren’t “pretty” yet.  But when all the healing is finally done they are going to be awesome.  I think the Dr was really pleased with how things came out.  

No baths just yet.  He needs a couple of places to scab over more.  He’ll get a wash and lotion 3-4 times day until then.  They cleaned him up and boy did he smell better.  The casts were getting a little stinky.  :).  

He never cried or fussed today.  It was really fun to see how curious he was looking at his new digits and toe.  One of the first things he did was pick up his pacifier bring it straight up to his mouth. I think he might have sighed some relief “Oh, that’s the stuff”.  Overall our little guy was pretty happy and smiley, and just glad that to have the casts off.  He was swinging his arms around and kicking his feet.

A little while after his nap, Grandpa Cork and Grandma Mary came by to see the little guy.  Not long after that Great Papaw and Great Mamaw were here too.  We all had a little playtime with Colt and he seems ready to pick up right where we left off.  

In fact the Dr said the best thing for him is to play with his toys and get right back into his routine.  Carefully of course.  They even released him so that ECI can start therapy again at our house.  They will be here tomorrow.  No sense waiting.  I’m sure his team is a little excited to see Colt too.

A big thank you to his doctor’s, Scott Oishi and Marybeth Ezaki, and all the nurses and staff and Scottish Rite Hospital.  

We’ll keep you posted with more pictures and stories to come.